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Living Space *
Living Space *
Living Space
Living Space *
Kitchen *
Detail at Living
Detail at Living *
Bath *

This project consisted of major renovations to a landmark building (3,700 sf) in the historic district of Beaufort, SC. The building had been vacant for 20 years and was repurposed into an apartment for the Owners of J.H. Hiers Construction.

All exterior finishes either remained original or were replaced with new to match existing. Interior finishes however, due to water damage throughout was not able to be salvaged. The original project was for corporate office space for J. H. Hiers Construction but after construction started the owner proposed adding an apartment above for his families use instead of storage. To meet code requirements for this apartment an exterior stair and fire safety issues had to be incorporated as well meet the restriction of the Historic Review Board. Construction took 10 months.

Historic Beaufort Foundation Preservation Honor Award - 2016

*Photos by Tony
Living Space
Living Space *
Kitchen *
Detail at Living
Detail at Living *
Bedroom *
Bath *
Billiard Area
Billiard Area *
Living Space *
Living Space *
Living Space
Living Space *
Living Space
Living Space *
Kitchen *
Kitchen *
Detail at Living
Detail at Living *
Detail at Living
Detail at Living *
Bedroom *
Bath *
Bath *
Billiard Area
Billiard Area *

This project consisted of major renovations to a landmark building (3,700 sf) in the historic district of Beaufort, SC. The building had been vacant for 20 years and was repurposed into an apartment for the Owners of J.H. Hiers Construction.

All exterior finishes either remained original or were replaced with new to match existing. Interior finishes however, due to water damage throughout was not able to be salvaged. The original project was for corporate office space for J. H. Hiers Construction but after construction started the owner proposed adding an apartment above for his families use instead of storage. To meet code requirements for this apartment an exterior stair and fire safety issues had to be incorporated as well meet the restriction of the Historic Review Board. Construction took 10 months.

Historic Beaufort Foundation Preservation Honor Award - 2016

*Photos by Tony