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Renovated West Elevation
Renovated West Elevation
Existing South and West Elevation
Existing South and West Elevation
1910 McSweeney Building
1910 McSweeney Building
Existing Entry
Existing Entry
Renovated Exterior Entry
Renovated Exterior Entry
Third Floor During Construction
Third Floor During Construction

This project was a seven-month restoration and repurposing of the historic McSweeney Building in the downtown commercial district of the town of Hampton, SC. Constructed in 1910 for the former South Carolina Governor Miles Benjamin McSweeney as the new home for the Guardian newspaper and print shop, this stately red brick Victorian style commercial building long-stood as the only three-story structure in Hampton. In addition to the newspaper office, it was home to the Hampton Post Office, Parker Brothers Department Store, and the Hampton County Tax Office through different periods over its first 100+ years.

With the Southern Carolina Regional Development Alliance serving as the economic development driver for seven counties in the southeastern part of the state, this building’s historical significance, style and defining prominence in the commercial core of town made it an ideal location for the Alliance’s new regional office. However, the same history that made the building “ideal” also posed significant restoration and renovation challenges. To address adaptations made with each new repurposing, as well as previously undocumented fire damage discovered on the third floor, a proper restoration required a two-phase project; a partnership between the county who donated the building and the Alliance; and funding from the USDA Rural Development program.

Although the basic bones of the building were sound, the complexity of the project was in the details of saving historic fabric, undoing strange adaptations, stabilizing the third floor, repointing historic brick, restoring the original front façade and entry, and bringing the building up to code without losing sight of a keen historic preservation ethic.

The McSweeney Building restoration and transformation project has and will continue to have a significant impact on the community and state. The Southern Carolina Alliance brings industry representatives from all over the country and world into the area to explore opportunities in our receptive seven-county region. As they meet in this building, it will stand as a testament to the value we place on historic preservation and in excellence in all that we do.

Renovated Interior Entry
Renovated Interior Entry
Refurbished Fireplace
Refurbished Fireplace
Renovated West Elevation
Renovated West Elevation
Existing South and West Elevation
Existing South and West Elevation
1910 McSweeney Building
1910 McSweeney Building
Existing Entry
Existing Entry
Renovated Exterior Entry
Renovated Exterior Entry
Third Floor During Construction
Third Floor During Construction

This project was a seven-month restoration and repurposing of the historic McSweeney Building in the downtown commercial district of the town of Hampton, SC. Constructed in 1910 for the former South Carolina Governor Miles Benjamin McSweeney as the new home for the Guardian newspaper and print shop, this stately red brick Victorian style commercial building long-stood as the only three-story structure in Hampton. In addition to the newspaper office, it was home to the Hampton Post Office, Parker Brothers Department Store, and the Hampton County Tax Office through different periods over its first 100+ years.

With the Southern Carolina Regional Development Alliance serving as the economic development driver for seven counties in the southeastern part of the state, this building’s historical significance, style and defining prominence in the commercial core of town made it an ideal location for the Alliance’s new regional office. However, the same history that made the building “ideal” also posed significant restoration and renovation challenges. To address adaptations made with each new repurposing, as well as previously undocumented fire damage discovered on the third floor, a proper restoration required a two-phase project; a partnership between the county who donated the building and the Alliance; and funding from the USDA Rural Development program.

Although the basic bones of the building were sound, the complexity of the project was in the details of saving historic fabric, undoing strange adaptations, stabilizing the third floor, repointing historic brick, restoring the original front façade and entry, and bringing the building up to code without losing sight of a keen historic preservation ethic.

The McSweeney Building restoration and transformation project has and will continue to have a significant impact on the community and state. The Southern Carolina Alliance brings industry representatives from all over the country and world into the area to explore opportunities in our receptive seven-county region. As they meet in this building, it will stand as a testament to the value we place on historic preservation and in excellence in all that we do.

Renovated Interior Entry
Renovated Interior Entry
Refurbished Fireplace
Refurbished Fireplace